Arlington High School Class of 1988
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I have been married to Eric for 16 years. We've lived in Omaha since graduating from UNL. I worked at Inacom (a computer reseller company) for about 7 years. In November of 2000 when our first child was born, I became a stay at home mom and still hold t… more »
View profile »Kristine Keenan Timm (Keenan)
Arlington, NE
Brian and I have been married for 14 years and we have two children. Kamryn (Kami) is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Alek is 7 years old and in the 1st grade. We live in Arlington. I recently left a 14 year career in Human Resource Management and a… more »
Arlington, NE
Cher and I have been married for 12 years. We have 3 girls, Erin 10, Emma 9 and Elly 7. We moved back into Arlington 2 years ago. We have a lot of fun camping, boating, (or trying to keep our boat running) and any thing that's fast or loud. I'm planning on… more »
Nickerson, NE
Hello everyone. It is so great to read the updates from some of you. My husband, Aron and I have been blessed with 13 years of marriage this fall and have 5 children in our family. Stephany (16) and Derrick (her 19 month old son), Sarah ( almost 16), Ashle… more »