Arlington High School Class of 1988
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Arlington, NE
Well alot has happened in my life since high school thats for sure. Currently i am married to Sherone (Fuehrer) (Scheer) and we have 6 children: Cord 19 attending NECC in Norfolk, Emmitt 16 a junior at Arlington, Taylor 15 in 9th grade at Arlington, Sam 7… more »
View profile »Kara Brown (Teebken)
Lincoln, NE
My husband Brad and I have been married 18 years and have 5 children. Our oldest is in college followed by 2 in high school, 1 in jr. high, and a 3 year old at home. We are currently living in Lincoln and I am enjoying being a full-time mom and manager o… more »
St. Joseph, MO
wheres everyone at , Ive been working for the USDA for 15yrs still looking for the love of my life lol. I still havent grown up feel and act like im 16yrs old. Hope everyone is doing well and hope to make it to the reunion. Feel free to email me and if ev… more »