Arlington High School Class of 1988
Kris Krienert (Herrmann)
Hello to everyone. It is good to see how many have responded to the website and what they are doing. I have been married for 8 years to Philip. I have three children who keep me on my toes: Gabrielle-6 years, Mason-4 years, and Conrad-19 mths. I taught Kindergarten and Special Education at Macy, Nebraska for 13 years. I am starting my second year as a Special Edcuation teacher K-4 at Scribner-Snyder. This move has helped in being involved with my kids easier due to the driving time. As of right now, I am uncertain whether or not we will be in attendance due to other obligations during our fast summer months. If I am not there anyone is welcome to email, I will try to respond in a fast manner. Wishing everyone well thoughts for their families and self.