Arlington High School Class of 1988
Amy Cheek (Laaker)
Hello everyone. It is so great to read the updates from some of you. My husband, Aron and I have been blessed with 13 years of marriage this fall and have 5 children in our family. Stephany (16) and Derrick (her 19 month old son), Sarah ( almost 16), Ashley (14), and Katelyn (8 years next month). I currently work at Logan View Schools as a teacher's aid for Kindergarden and 1st grade. I also enjoy doing some catering with my neighbor on weekends. I stay busy as a "taxi mom" to ball games, Brownie meetings, and church activities. I do so enjoy being a wife and mother. I also try of find time for myself tending to my flowers, long morning walks and a bible study. I hope to come on Friday night to see some of you, but I do have a commit already for Saturday. Keep in touch...........